
Lucky Emma
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Lucky Emma

Today I was just thinking about Emma's extraordinary luck. Did you hear the song "Lucky" of Britney Spears? Today I listened it, and, I don't know why, I made a conection between Emma and the girl named Lucky of Britney's song.

Emma's very lucky. She is an actress, she is famous, she lives in England, she is pretty, she can make shopping and buy all things! By another part, she met loads of brilliants actors and actresses in all the premieres that she went... She has a really big crush on Orlando Bloom, and some days ago she knew him on the premiere of the third Lord of the Rings movie!

But we just have to think about... Emma perhaps has got the opportunity of all those things that I wrote before, but, as the song of Britney Spears says, "She is so lucky, she's a star, but she cries, cries, cries in her lonely heart thinking 'if there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?'". Perhaps Emma isn't very happy... I really think about this. When a person has got loads of things and opportunities, normally this person wants more things...

The most important thing that I want to say after all that "blah blah blah" is that a lot of people (in general girls) hate Emma, but they don't know why. They say horrible things about her, and say that she is too much lucky. A big part hate her 'cause she knows Daniel, Rupert or Tom, or both of them. But I think that hate someone is a stupid, horrible and useless thing.

With all celebrities happens the same : people admire them or are jealous of them. Besides, hate someone isn't very nice... Jealousy isn't anything good. If a girl is jealous of Emma it is bad for her, no for Em. So if it is your case just think about it, try not to have horrible feelings about Emma, 'cause it is worse for you, not for her.

Mandy Ko 13

December 14th, 2003

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