
Why I created this site : a story about my Emma Mania
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The first time that I saw the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone film I just thought "Hermione is so yuky and stupid!" (yeah, that was my first feeling about Emma) After I saw the film twice, I just got obssesed with Harry Potter and me and my best friend Rosario started to search Harry Potter stuff inside my grandma's latest magazines. "Oh, look at this, "Emma Watson" is Hermione's name! How horrible!", said my friend Rosario when she saw the section "Cast" on a magazine. I took it and just started to read the article. It was just interesting, and I got a big interest about Emma's little biography.

Some weeks later, searfing in the Internet, I found a website with Harry Potter pictures. I just hated Emma, but I founded one photo on her, and, I don't know why, I saved it. I had been always trying to delete it, but I couldn't. "It's just 10 kb. I have to save it, perphas one day I'll need it". Several days later, I was searching Daniel Radcliffe pictures when I saw one of him with Emma. "You lucky girl, I would love to be next to him! You bloody Hermione!" (I just hated her name to pronunce it). I had been loads of times trying to cut Emma's body from the photo, but I just couldn't!

A couple of weeks later, I entered the MSN Search, and I wrote "Emma Watson" ( I was just bored, I didn't knew what to search...) and I saw one interesting link, "The Unofficial Emma Watson Page". "Let's just see it", I thought. I entered it. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Emma was on the front page, with so pretty clothes (really like some of mines) and absolutely different from Hermione. 'That's cute', I thought.

It become a usually thing visit the Unofficial Emma Watson Page. On a cyber, I started to search Harry Potter pictures on that website. I always did that when I visited the Image Gallery. But one day I saw a link that was "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone London Premiere Pics", with about 60 photos. I entered it. Those photos became a very important thing for me, I just saved they all! I usually visited the UEWP for take some pictures and see the information about Emma, I hated her, but I liked to search information about her!

In that time, I built a website about my obsessions. But someone hacked it. I was just searching a good server for make a website, when I found Tripod Americas. But I had a problem : I wanted to make my site again, but it was too hard make it similar. I didn't knew what to do. I had an Emma section on my site, but it wasn't very important. As I had a lot more of information about Emma and I just hated her, I built a website named "Forever Emma" (yeah! this one!), with some stuff and pictures. That has been on October 2002, I think.

The site got popular. People liked it. People loved Emma. I just hated her. But I continued to work with the site, to make it better. It wasn't an Emma Watson obsession, it was an Internet obssesion. After a while, I just really thought about why I built this site. 'I think I hate her, but perphas I don't. Perphas it's jealouzy.' People said that I dressed up like Emma, that I talked like Emma, that I talked about Emma, that I really looked like Emma. And it's true... I finally discovered that I admired her, that I wanted to be an actress like her, to be famous, and I still do. I started to have an English obsession too, I wanted to talk a perfect English, and I still try to. You would just have to hear me talking, I am like Emms...

I still don't know why I am making this site, I just would not want to close it. It's been a hard work for me. I hope that you enjoy it.

Sometimes I feel that Emma visited my site ones. I would like to know what she thinks about it... I hope know it some day...

Mandy Ko 13 - November, 26th 2003

Copyright Forever Emma since 2002 - Website built by Amanda Ko