October 7th, 2009
Hello, I am Amanda, the webmistress of this website. I've got an important message for you.
This website is no longer updated, I abandoned it a few years ago because I am no longer so interested in
Harry Potter nor Emma Watson. I used to manage it years ago, I started it when I was 11. I am 18 now, so as you can image
my personal tastes have changed a little.
However, I won't close this website for many reasons: it was really hard-work doing, it's not so bad and can
still help Harry Potter fans, and it meant a lot to me a during my teenager years.
I wanna say THANK YOU to all the people who are still supporting this website, for those
who signed in at the guestbook in the past months and everyone who still visits it.
If I ever change my mind, I will post it here of course.
Best wishes to everybody,
Amanda |